Top 5 WordPress Referral Spam Plugins

Seeing unusually large traffic numbers in Google Analytics can be both confusing and concerning. Unfamiliar website referrals can redirect you to unwanted destinations and distort the true performance metrics of your site.  Unfortunately, there is no way to remove spam in your traffic analytics. You can only prevent future spam attacks from here on out….

How to Configure the Content Security Policy Header in WordPress

The Content-Security-Policy (CSP) HTTP header is a powerful tool in any WordPress site administrator’s arsenal. It aims to provide an extra layer of security for websites by preventing the loading of malicious scripts or content. Implementing the CSP header in WordPress may seem daunting. However, our experience of over 10 years in the WordPress ecosystem…

x-xss- protection wordpress

How to Configure the X-XSS Security Header in WordPress

Are you concerned about protecting your WordPress site from Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks? Wondering how to leverage browser capabilities to prevent malicious script injections? Do the varying levels of browser security among your users concern you? This is where setting up proper HTTP headers plays a pivotal role. And among these headers, the X-XSS security…

Complete Guide To Removing Referral Spam

A sudden surge in website traffic is undeniably exciting for any online business or website owner. However, when you notice a significant increase in traffic from unusual and suspicious sources, alarm bells start ringing.  You might be experiencing the common menace known as referral spam.  As these misleading practices continue to infiltrate website analytics, accurately…

Scan WordPress Site for Malware: Definitive Guide to Finding Every Trace

Feeling like something’s not quite right with your WordPress website or just want to ensure everything’s in order? You’re not alone. Many website owners notice odd behaviours or pick up on tips from a podcast or article that leaves them questioning: Does my website have malware? Whether you’re dealing with a slow site, strange popups,…

WordPress Permalinks: The What, The Why, And The How

WordPress permalinks help people and search engines find your content, and can be easily set or changed from site settings. They are an immensely useful way to navigate the structure of your site for visitors, and have great benefits for SEO and UX. Plus, if your permalinks contain keywords related to your content, it can help…

How to Configure the Referrer-Policy HTTP Header in WordPress

Adjusting the Referrer-Policy HTTP header in WordPress is like adjusting the curtain for an open window: you can control how much passers-by can peek into your house while not disrupting your view to the outside. In this case, however, you are using the Referrer-Policy header to control how much information your site passes on to…

MalCare Blocks 1.2 Billion+ XSS Attacks Exploiting the tagDiv Plugin Vulnerability

MalCare recently blocked over 1.2 billion cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks on its customer websites. In the biggest attack campaign of the year, MalCare saw a sudden jump of 20x the average attacks blocked in a day. The surprising facet of this vulnerability is that it is not new, and a patch has been available for…

How to Configure the X-Frame-Options Header in WordPress

With the rapid rise in online threats, safeguarding your WordPress site becomes not just a priority but a mandate. Among the essential tools at your disposal are HTTP security headers, and taking center stage in this defense strategy is the X-Frame-Options header. Getting the X-Frame-Options header in place is a straightforward process that significantly bolsters…

Sitelock vs Wordfence: The Ultimate Comparison

Navigating the world of WordPress security plugins can be daunting, particularly when you’re weighing up highly recommended choices like Wordfence and SiteLock. We, at MalCare, with vast experience in WordPress security, aim to simplify this decision process for you. Our expertise comes from hands-on experience. We purposefully infected several test websites with malware and measured…

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