How To Change The Database Prefix On Your WordPress Site

As new site owners, navigating your way through the world of website security can be daunting. A  pervasive notion across numerous articles online is that changing your database prefix is a smart security measure. But, what does it mean to change the default prefix? Can it crash your site? Why should you do it? As…

2 Ways to Get WordPress Error Logs

When it comes to troubleshooting issues on your WordPress site, WordPress error logs are a godsend. Logs are snapshots about issues on your site, showing verbose error messages so you can resolve them easily. WordPress sites are not set up to log error information by default. However, certain web hosts do enable logging on their…

How to Disable the File Editor on WordPress

Disabling file editing in your WordPress admin panel is a simple but effective way to minimize the effect of a security breach.  WordPress has always prioritized giving site admins control over their site…including security. But, if you’re not a developer, you’ll need to do your research and create a WordPress security checklist that lists the…

Beyond Cloudflare: Fortifying WordPress Security

In the WordPress ecosystem, it is widely believed that Cloudflare’s firewall is the gold standard of security that any site can get. Its arsenal of features, including robust DDoS protection and a powerful content delivery network (CDN), has earned it a solid reputation. Some of the top web hosts trust Cloudflare and its ability to…

How To Change MySQL Database Password in WordPress

Password security is often compromised because of poor passwords, so there are numerous reasons you may want to change your passwords: after a hack, if there has been some employee turnover, simply because it’s a good practice, or if you’re worried about a security breach. Side note, if you suspect any potential security breaches scan…

How To Change Your phpMyAdmin Password?

There are many reasons you may need to change phpMyAdmin password. Perhaps, as a part of your security checks, if an employee has left, or you need to regain access after losing the password. You may also notice some unauthorized access and need to change all passwords because of it.  As an aside, if there’s…

How to Add Plugins to Your WordPress Site?

A brand new WordPress site can come with mixed feelings. On one hand, you’re starting a new journey online. On the other, the site looks and feels incredibly basic, and the amount of work it requires can seem overwhelming. How do you make the pages look better? How can you use your site to  sell?…

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