PC antivirus identifies hacked sites

Can PC Antivirus Identify Hacked Sites?

PC antivirus identifies hacked sites: Did you ever had a visitor suggest that his PC antivirus says your site has been hacked? The information can be distressing and even annoying, but you must take it seriously. Because many PC antiviruses are designed to identify hacked sites. A very common reason to hack websites nowadays is…

web hosts suspend hacked sites

Why Do Web Hosts Suspend Hacked Sites?

Web hosts suspend hacked sites: Imagine waking up one morning with a ring to your voice and spring to your steps looking forward to the day ahead. And then your web host suspends your hacked WordPress site. “Hacked?????” You didn’t even know that your site was hacked. Besides, your web host seems to be leaving…

hack sign

Hack Signs That Reveal Your WordPress Site is Compromised

WordPress Hack Sign: Discovering that your site has been hacked is one of the more frustrating experiences in anyone’s life. It’s even more frustrating when you find out that the hack had occurred a while back. It means the damage by now is much greater. If you could only recognize the hack signs on the very onset,…

Migrating Site to HTTPS

How Migrating Site to HTTPS Improves Security?

Migrating Site to HTTPS: A few years ago Google revealed that HTTPS is a ranking factor which drove many website owners to move their site to HTTPS. Google made that announcement back in 2014, and one would think that the entire internet has migrated to HTTPS by now. But a study performed by SEJ revealed…

Wordpress security is an important aspect

Why You Need a WordPress Security Service?

Need a WordPress Security Service: Did you know that WordPress websites are the number one target for hack attempts? WordPress is the world’s most preferred website building platform, and therefore anyone using the platform puts a target on it’s back. How bad is the situation you ask? Well, some 90,978 number of hack attempts are…

What Happens When Developers Don’t Update Plugin?

Developers Don’t Update Plugin: WordPress site owners are always cautioned to keep WordPress Core and add-ons (themes and plugins) updated. When kept unattended, addons develop vulnerability that hacker exploit to break into a site. But what if a vulnerability was discovered some time ago and the developer of the plugin hasn’t released an update to address…

How Hoarding Plugins Impacts Site Negatively

Hoarding Plugins Impacts Site: When a particular plugin or theme isn’t working for your site anymore, the common thing to do, is to just look for another. Doing so without deleting the old one, however, can have disastrous consequences for your WordPress site and in this post, we are going to discuss exactly how. Hoarding…

Top WordPress Security Mistakes & How to Fix Them

WordPress Security Mistakes: Did you know that every minute some 90,978 hack attempts are made on WordPress websites? Once your site is hacked, hackers use it to execute all sorts of malicious activities like sending spam emails (read – phishing hack), attacking other websites, injecting spam links, redirecting visitors, etc.  This is why WordPress site…

What Are File Inclusion & Arbitrary Code Execution?

File Inclusion and Arbitrary Code Execution: Earlier this month, an airplane ticket website built on WordPress was hacked leaving the personal data of hundreds of thousands of visitors exposed. In an earlier post on why do hackers hack, we discussed all the reasons why hackers hack including stealing data, sending spam emails, they could be even…

Common hack attacks made on Wp Sites

What Are the Common Hack Attacks Made on WordPress Sites?

Common Hack Attacks: You just launched your own WordPress site, and things are going well. It’s a simple website, and most of your readers, for now, are people you know. But soon, you notice that things aren’t quite right. There are weird pop-ups that you didn’t add. Or your readers complain that they’re getting redirected…

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