too many redirects WordPress

Facing the Too Many Redirects WordPress Error? 10 Easy Ways to Fix It

Stuck in a loop with the too many redirects WordPress error on your site? Frustrated because your site won’t load? Why is this happening? How do you get back to a working site? Relax! You’re not alone. Many users face this frustrating error. It can feel like a roadblock with no clear way out. But…

How to Fix CSS Not Loading over HTTPS in WordPress

Are you frustrated that your WordPress site not loading CSS over https when switching to secure HTTP? Have you been left scratching your head seeing your site’s ‘fashion sense’ suddenly fall apart? Has all the text on your site lost its alignment or basic formatting? If your answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’,…

How to Fix the 'cannot modify header information - headers already sent by' error

How to Fix the “Cannot Modify Header Information – Headers Already Sent By” Error

Despite the best intentions of programmers, regardless of their experience level, errors are common occurrences in coding and website development. One common error that leaves many web devs their heads is the common WordPress warning: cannot modify header information – headers already sent by PHP, which is a  problem in WordPress’ PHP script. Facing this…

an Automated WordPress Update Has Failed To Complete” Issue

How To Fix The “an Automated WordPress Update Has Failed To Complete” Issue

If you’ve been facing common WordPress errors, such as “an automated WordPress update has failed to complete,” warning, there’s help available. This article provides an in-depth guide on resolving this issue.  We’ll first explain what this error message means and its implications for your website. Next, we’ll delve into the various causes that might trigger…

How To Fix the WordPress Not Sending Email Issue

Many WordPress users experience issues regarding emails not being sent or ending up in the recipient’s spam inbox. If email hosting is not included in your WordPress hosting package, then there are several plugins that can facilitate the sending of emails to subscribed users. But sometimes, these plugins can also experience issues. This article will…

How to fix the “the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php ini” error

It can be very frustrating to run into any error on your WordPress site. But the “the uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php ini” error can be hard to work around if you don’t know how.  This message comes up whenever you’re uploading large files.  Things like images, videos, themes, plugins, and other…

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